Monday 11 June 2018

The Rev'd David Parry on Gnosticism

David graduated in religious studies in 1990 and obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Theology in 1996, he is the founder of “Theo-Humanist Arts” a creative group that centres on new thought, art, music, invited speakers and eco spirituality, the group was formerly known as “Gruntlers” which was created in 2008.

He is an author, poet, dramaturge, A Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts, and an active Libertarian.

David was a universal lay minister and while spending over 30 years in Pagan practice and studies he became one of the few Heathen Godies in the UK and is also a Gardinerian Wicca initiate and recently a Valentinian (Gnostic) Bishop.

In the following podcast for THA Talks he will speaks about his experiences and knowledge from Ancient Paganism, Christianity and gnosticism.

Originally this was added as a youtube video, but the video has been taken down.  This does seem to be a recurring issue, which highlights that David is talking about matters which ruffle the feathers of the self-appointed liberal bigots.  Obviously a good thing!!

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